In Truth Study last Friday we continued our study on idolatry. Of course this brought up the topics of relationships and desire for marriage. One of our sisters was open enough to share her experience. She had allowed a particular man to come back in her life even though she knew it was an unhealthy relationship. Wrapped up in his charm, desire to feel loved, and the desire for marriage she is finding it hard to leave him and the expectations of what he can be behind. This led us to look at a scripture that ministered to us all as we have been in this situation at least once in our own lives. This is what I want to leave with you. This can be applied to romantic relationships, friendships, partnerships, family…RELATIONSHIPS period Luke 11:24-26 NKJV When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Isn’t it just awesome that once you are getting your life in order and finally feeling free that the one person or thing that had you wrapped in “the bondage of them” comes back knocking on your door?! The scripture above tells us what will happen to us if we let that person or thing back in our lives! If God has delivered you and you have walked out please do not go back! You do not want to be worse off than you were the first or second…maybe even third time you did! The desire to feel loved, held, and have attention must be found elsewhere preferably in Jesus Christ! If the Holy Spirit has been nudging you to leave a relationship then please take heed! And once you have walked out stay out! Yes, it is a rough road. You will miss them. You may cry. You may want to answer every text or call they send. You may hope you run into them. You may be angry if they are not chasing you. You may lose investors, comfort, or stability for a moment BUT you will find the peace, joy, and strength that you deserve. No need to look back! The past has shown you what it has to offer! You deserve better! God has better for you! (And I’m not simply referring to a better man) HE has a life planned that is meant to prosper you (Jeremiah 29:11)! So don’t worry about another romantic relationship (or friendship etc) forming. Seek HIS purpose and grow in who you are in this new season. Everything else will fall into place (Matthew 6:33). Do not open the door to the past! It ain’t worth it! Seeing as though THIS FRIDAY we are having Truth Study I thought I would recap what we covered in the last one for all of you! If by chance any of you beautiful ladies want to join us THIS FRIDAY from 6-8pm we would love to have you.Sign up here so that I know you are coming! That way you get the directions and there will be enough snacks for everyone! Here are the main points we took away from our last study dealing with idolatry: 1. When we are experiencing discontent recognize what we are pursuing. What we pursue and what we sacrifice for are important things to look at because they just might be serving as gods in our lives. Idols are insatiable, they always want more and are never satisfied. If we are feeling unsatisfied it’s a good time to ask God, am I pursuing the right things? With God, we can be content right where we are. It doesn’t mean we don’t desire more, but we are okay until God moves us forward. 2. Speak life over our situations and ourselves! No down talking ourselves!!! We are ready for where God is taking us, he can supply all our needs, he has already supplied all our needs, we are great parents, employees, friends, and children of God, we are worthy, successful, favored by God…the list goes on. 3. Seek peace and pursue it Always seek peace from God!!! The Holy Spirit lives inside us therefore we should always walk in freedom and peace! Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! (2Corin 3:17) 4. Anything we ask for in Jesus name he will give us God hears us! If we believe when we pray and ask for anything in Jesus name he will answer those prayers. I believe in the spirit realm God acts immediately! In many cases we have to respect the process and walk it out until we see the results in the natural! Our responsibility is to have faith!
He is always with us because he never leaves us or forsakes us but maybe, just maybe he has already given us all the answers and directions we need…move forward in obedience and God will continue to speak when you are ready to hear more. I hope this will help someone through the remainder of this week! And I pray that we see you out this Friday! Sign up to come out and grow with us! After drinking 3 Venti White Chocolate Mochas it’s more than likely you’ll successfully pull an all-nighter or get through the workday but you’ll probably experience the shakes and eventually crash. During a drunken stupor one might experience a good time but have a hangover from hell the following morning. (Everyone has a testimony) The same thing can happen in the spiritual realm! And while many of us know this, it doesn’t stop these crashes from sneaking up on us even if we feel prepared for them. In the month of May my schedule and life was full of new opportunities, several spiritual highs, and several transitions related to forward movement in God. People, including myself, have been released from years of bondage, lives have turned to Christ in ways like never before, and the enemy has been losing his workers as they form these more intimate relationships with God. You would think that I’d be having the greatest praise party. Nah, even though I pray daily and devote time to God everyday I moved into a realm of doubt, discouragement, and extreme fatigue. Like it didn’t matter how much I slept or how much I attempted to engage in energy giving exercises I could barely make it through the day without feeling like my body was going to give up on me. I was very aware that this attack on my physical body was spiritual but spent more time complaining about being fatigued than actually speaking against it. Earlier in the week I spent time reflecting and here is what God showed me! 1. God was added to my to do list Although I didn’t realize it, God became an item on my to do list! My prayer time, devotion time, and meditation was simply to say I did it. Check, now we can move on to the next task for today. Being disconnected from God A few weeks ago I was playing around and allowed for a couple of words to come out of my mouth that were…let’s just say inappropriate. Now what I said wasn’t too much of a shocker to many in the room but surprised the mess out of one particular person. As soon as I said it all I could think was, “Lord please forgive me!” Matter of fact before I said it I knew I should have shut my mouth. Even though I had time to stop myself, I didn’t. THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES. I knew I shouldn’t have said it but I said it anyways! If you are feeling convicted or that you should not do something or say something then please listen! That’s the Holy Spirit saying “hold up homie, think about this first!” We never know what will negatively affect someone else’s walk with God! Although it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever said in my life it was something that could have gone without repeating. Days later this person was still telling people, “I can’t believe she said that!” Even though this was not that big of a deal to some, it was something that could throw this person off in their budding walk with God and could prevent them from receiving from me in the future. What if 6 months down the line I have to counsel them on watching what comes out their mouth? My credibility just might be shot and now all they can think about is how hypocritical Christians are. (Now of course there are many positive ways to correct this if it did happen but that’s not the point! We wouldn’t have to put these strategies to use if we do what we’re supposed to do initially) None of us are perfect. Many of us say and do things we shouldn’t and while we are all human at some point accountability must come into play, especially when conviction hits. If I am doing something to cause someone to look at God in a negative light or causing them to become confused about God’s expectations I am out of line and out of the will of God. If you have doubt in your mind about you engaging in a certain behavior listen to it because if you don’t, you’re sinning off top. Don’t believe me…let me show you what God showed me: Romans 14:22-23 NLT You may believe there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. 23 but if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. This scripture can hit so many different angles! Whatever it brought up for you…follow your convictions in that area! ;) It’ll be worth it! Have a blessed rest of your week! I’ll throw in this one as well: Proverbs 13:3 Message Version Careful words make for a careful life; careless talk may ruin everything.
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April 2016