Romans 8:1 NIV Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Not guilty! You are acquitted of all charges! You are free to go! These are words any person being held as a prisoner would desire to hear! But don’t be so quick to think this message doesn’t apply to you. True you may not be sitting in front of a judge at a courthouse or in a cell waiting on your freedom but many of us are indeed prisoners. Prisoners of our past, our minds, thoughts, and actions and so many of us want to be free but we don’t feel worthy. We feel too far gone to be loved by anyone let alone God. We feel ashamed, embarrassed, angry, confused…unfit for kingdom use and unfit for life. Let me tell you all that God is a God of love! When he sent his Son to die on the cross for our sins it covered all sins! The deepest darkest secret in your memory bank to the thing you are willing to do in public even though convicted because it is socially acceptable. God covered all that. If I could be honest no matter how free I get from certain things self-condemnation often rises up in me. “God I know this was wrong I did it anyway, I don’t deserve to be used”, “I’m unworthy”, “God has to be mad at me for this so I won’t ask him to forgive me again”. Condemnation is a beast! A trick of the enemy to make someone feel they are guilty and unfit for productive kingdom use because of the wrong they may have done. He wants to keep you there because as long as you are bound in the condemnation of past events (anything that happened more than 1 second ago) you will not go forward in your calling, you will avoid your purpose, and you will not be used at your fullness. If you are a believer of Jesus Christ, sisters and brothers you are free! Free from condemnation! Free from guilt! You have been acquitted of all charges! You are free to go! Keep walking on the road towards righteousness. Understand you will make mistakes it’s apart of the human’s life. But also understand your past has no control over your present and it doesn’t define who you are! Use it! Stop letting it use you! Take time to go to God in candid honesty. Tell him your angry, scared, hurt, embarrassed, feel unloved, unworthy, guilty in the highest power and let him begin the work of freeing and releasing you from it all. It’s already been done in the spirit realm! Jesus put in real work for you! Now receive it! There is now NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus! THIS FRIDAY! May 30, 2014 at Calvary Tabernacle in Lakewood! Will you be there? I'd love to see your face! It's a youth service so make sure to bring your pre-teens, teens, and your grown self too ;) Allow the Spirit of the Lord to release you from all you've been holding on to on this night! A few weeks ago there was a small earthquake. As I laid in bed prior to the shaking I had several things I needed to do including pray and complete my devotion for the night. Instead, I went to Instagram and found myself on the page of some girl I figured out is from one of these ratchet reality shows some of yall love so much lol. (No judgment lol) The story of how I ended up on her profile isn’t long but not worth the explanation so I’ll just leave it alone. The whole time I was scrolling all I could think is Mel be productive you have people to pray for and sermons to prepare…be productive. But it was too late I was drawn into someone else’s life that had nothing to do with me. I had the “be productive” thought about 3 more times before the house started to move and had me like... Automatically I thought if I had been seriously injured or killed (I know the quake was small but follow me) is that really how I would have wanted things to end? With the Holy Spirit telling me to pray and read my word but I’m stuck on this woman’s page I don’t even know? The point of this blog is to tell myself and anyone else to make sure you immediately listen to the Holy Spirit and his convictions…ALWAYS. You never know what they’re keeping you from or preparing you for. Isn’t it just like a Californian to want to get an earthquake kit ready after the earthquake has already hit? Late preparation will not help you in this case! The Lord is speaking to many of you and you are ignoring him boldly. He is only going to give us so many chances before he allows the “earthquake” to come and rattle our lives in order to get our attention. You don’t have to let it get to that point! Whatever he is asking you to do, my suggestion is for you to do it now! That! That thing that just popped up in your mental…do THAT now! God bless! Please don’t wait until the earthquake comes! Mel Will you be there? I'd love to see your face! The last Friday of this month! May 30, 2014 at Calvary Tabernacle in Lakewood! It's a youth service so make sure to bring your pre-teens, teens, and your grown self too ;) Abandoned, alone, by oneself, comfortless, companionless, isolated, forsaken, outcast, rejected, secluded, single, withdrawn… These are all synonyms for being lonely. It’s true that life’s journey can be extremely lonely, especially when you are walking on a path towards better. One may feel alone in a crowded place, which is a horrible feeling, and others may actually physically be alone left with no other soul on earth in their corner at the moment (I’m sorry if you’re in that place). Moments of feeling forsaken are bound to come up. Especially on this faith walk that many of us Christians are on but you don’t have to add to the hermit like feeling. A hermit is a person who has withdrawn to a solitary place, someone who is living in seclusion. While there are times that God does remove us from certain jobs, churches, friends, or even from family members, there are many times we remove ourselves and blame God for our loneliness. In either situation I want to encourage you to reach out in 3 ways! 1. Reach out to (positive) others! Invite a platonic friend over to watch a movie or eat. If one person says no, don’t take it personal ask someone else! We are adults and people have way more complicated lives than we did at age 6! If you have no friends make a plan to reach out to that person you have been considering making your friend. Yea it’s awkward at first but some of my most awesome friends came out of my most awkward moments of “will you be my friend” type approaches! (Shout out to “Cokez” my first friend at USC) 2. Reach out to God Should I have put this first? Of course I should have, God should always be the first option but the reality is most of us will reach out to a friend before we pray to God. That’s why it’s important we have some godly friends that will always point us back to him! (IJS, that’s something for you to think about) The word says that God will never leave us or forsake us (Deut 31:6; Heb 13:5). So this means that he is always present and ready for us to speak to him through prayer and through reading the word. While you’re at it, ask him why you have been feeling so lonely. Guarantee you he will answer you in some way. In the past as I sought answers to this question I would figure out that I was depressed, I chose to isolate myself from everyone for a particular reason, and even finding out that my friends were going through tough times and feeling lonely too and I needed to reach out to them. The point, get to the root of your loneliness problem. Connecting with God is the best way to begin that process. 3. Reach out to yourself Does that make sense? Yes! At some point in your life you are going to have to be okay with chillin with yourself. And I mean like really be okay with it. Like go to the mall, grab a bite to eat (without getting on your phone to check social networks), go see a movie or a show, chillin with yourself. And not just once a year, being able to do it all the time if you had to! When it comes down to it, you’re the only human that is going to be there 24/7, rain or shine, whether you like it or not. It would be very helpful to not hate spending that quality alone time with yourself. Get comfortable with yourself, hold on to God, and reach out to the people that you have chosen as friends! Lonely seasons will come up but they don’t have to remain! Reach out!!! Nothing deep, just obvious points that if you follow will bring less stress and save your body, mind, and spirit much turmoil! 1) If you’re tired—Rest! What’s the point of running yourself into the ground? Do what you need to do to rest (physically, mentally, and/or spiritually)! This reminds me of a scripture I read earlier this week: Psalm 127: 1-2 If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks. If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap. It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves? 2. Listen to the Holy Spirit. God has been laying it on you thick to take care of a particular thing or situation or to do something but you keep putting it off. You better make it happen before it’s too late or things become worse. Did you read this blog already? 3. If it’s not bringing you joy, you’re only doing something out of obligation and not desire or pure love for God please check your motives. Why are you doing it? What would you rather be doing? Is that lined up with God’s will for your life? If so, why haven’t you made the switch and what are your plans to make it happen? Some things are simple in thought but difficult in action. If you can act on the 3 things above you’ll live in peace, joy, and harmony with yourself and others! Have a happy May! Will you be there? I'd love to see your face! The last Friday of this month! May 30, 2014 at Calvary Tabernacle in Lakewood! Want to subscribe to the free newsletter to get updates, special notes, and access to the free eBook "5 Reminders of Your Truth"? Sign up now! Did I mention, it's free =) |
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April 2016