I had plans to post about something else this week but I thought let me hold off. This is only because I want to share about an event I was privileged to be a committee member and volunteer for. The first annual Royal Summer Tea that took place yesterday August 24, 2013. My heart is called to pregnant teens and women who have experienced abortion in the past and need assistance in understanding that grace applies to them as well. One of my spiritual mothers introduced me to a ministry a couple of years ago and I have been volunteering there ever since. The organization is called His Nesting Place and they run a pregnancy center and home for unwed mothers as an alternative to abortion. They live life to save the lives of the unborn. (His Nesting Place on Facebook) Many people feel some kind of way when hearing about pro-life ministries. I must admit that has been me at different points in my life BUT when I am able to experience first hand the lives that are saved (both child and parents) by this ministry, there is no way I can be mad at what they stand and fight for…LIFE. They have been in operation for over 30 years and have housed thousands of women and their children since opening their doors. Yesterday the first annual summer tea was held in Rolling Hills Estates in one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever been in, in my life. God really blessed His Nesting Place with absolute favor as the owner of the home opened up her beautiful garden in order to put this fundraiser on. With over 120 guests in attendance His Nesting Place was able to raise funds and spread awareness about the issue of abortion in America. I feel that the testimonies that were shared by a few of the young women there were touching and resonated with the spirit of everyone in attendance. Which made me feel that I should reach out to my readership on the issue.
Even though abortion is one of the procedures performed most on women in America it is still a super touchy subject. I just want to hit on it long enough to tell you that: 1) There are always alternatives to abortion no matter what the situation is. 2) God has given you the gift of free will! As you exercise it make sure that you are properly and fully educated on the decisions of abortion, parenting, and adoption both in the natural and in the spiritual. 3) Men or women, if you have had an abortion in the past and are having difficulty dealing with it, whether it happened 2 days ago or 37 years ago, you are not the only one. God wants you to know that there is restoration for you. The guilt, anger, sadness that may be associated with it no longer has to be. Silence surrounding your abortion choice can be the loudest pain in your life. If you are ready to talk about it with someone please do! Not only can you contact me at the His Nesting Place Pregnancy Help Center or through my private practice www.YouCanTherapy.com but you can also find a network of counselors throughout the US and internationally via www.SaveOne.org. Freedom is yours if you want it! You have to take the first step…Repentance. That can happen strictly between you and God! Then, if you’re ready there are plenty of people, including myself, ready to help! Love, Mel Have you ever met a person who is so beautiful or handsome in appearance until they open their mouth and you automatically think, "o_O never mind". Or what about the person who appears to be nice, funny, and on top of their game but all their partnerships fall through? You attempt to work with them and find out "ohhhh that's why". These are instances of their inner man pouring out and tainting the appearance of the outer man. No matter how hard we front, all those things that we deal with on the inside, personality, characteristics, and spirits, soon pour out and there is no amount of makeup, designer bags, degrees, new electronics, or Jordans that can prevent that from happening. That is why God asks us to work on improving our inner man just as we do the outer. 1 Peter 3:3-4 Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. As I sat thinking about what to write this week I had a mini movie play in my mind. It featured me, my attitude, and my smart mouth! I was already very aware that greatness was not the only thing pouring out of me as I replayed this daydream movie, so it wasn’t a hard-hitting surprise to be reminded of how horrible I acted this past week. *sidenote* The only reason I add ‘greatness’ to this mix is because this month has had a lot of positive
Source: click picture
This is Ariel Castro and I want to know, could you forgive him? Just about everyone knows of all the horrific and heinous things this man has done and said over the last decade so I won't recount the story. I will share that I have seen many posts and comments after his sentencing, many from Christians, and two main questions came to my mind: 1) Could you forgive him? 2) Could you allow room for God to be the true judge? Today’s post is brief. I will ask a series of questions in the survey below (scroll down). I’m hoping for your participation and your honesty! Throughout the week I’ll go in greater detail to address: Monday: How unforgiveness puts our freedom on the line Tuesday: Which sin is greater? Wednesday: What condemning and judgment will do Thursday: When do we apply “only God can judge me”? Friday: Who will avenge? You or God? Saturday: The final act! Let’s go! Be honest, it's anonymous so your secrets are safe with the survey! I hope you will check in with me throughout the week in the daily devotion section. See you tomorrow!
One of the greatest benefits of being a child of God is the ability to call on the name that is greater than all names (Philippians 2:9)! We have the ability to speak things into existence and when we ask anything in the name of Jesus he says he will do it (Romans 4:17; John 14:13-14)! Privilege! I’ve talked to several people that do not believe there is power in the tongue. However, I believe the word and in Proverbs it lets us know that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Since Jesus is the way, truth, and life…I’m gonna go with speaking life (John 14:6). We are four days into August and I know that many of us associate new months (days, weeks, years) as new starts. So if you haven’t already done so I want to use this week to speak life. Today I share with you (some) of the declarations that I spoke over myself and others at the beginning of this month. My declaration: I declare this will be a season of unordinary breakthroughs, anointing, prayer, praise, blessings, revelation, boldness, courage, love, ability, connections, studying, and steps forward in you God. I declare that every step we take demons will tremble and the Lord will be glorified! I declare focus and discipline like never before and that our focus be kingdom and not of the world. I declare that God will get the glory with the resources that are available to us at the moment. I declare that we will be content in whatever state we are in and no longer dwell on what we don’t have. That whether we stand with people who are in agreement or alone we will follow through on whatever you have asked us to do. In Jesus name I declare we will move forward regardless! I declare that every pregnant woman will be empowered by the people who are around them. Everyone with an abortive mindset will be changed, delivered, set free, and carry their pregnancy to term. I also pray and declare all those who are in need of resources will receive them in abundance. I declare that every idea you have given to your people will come to pass and prove beneficial for those |
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April 2016