For most, times of transition can be difficult and take some getting used to whether the transition is big or small something planned or unplanned. I’m still trying to transition from holiday vacation back to entrepreneurial, student, volunteer, ministry, and family life. They all kind of took a break and started back up at the same time. It’s been a bit overwhelming but these are some things I have been telling myself to reduce my anxiety levels. They also promote balance and prevent me from going off on people due to stress =]
I hope they can help you if you start feeling overwhelmed. 1. Don’t disrespect your time It’s one thing to take breaks and to carve out time for rest. It’s something completely different when you mean to send a quick text and end up scrolling on social networks for an hour! 2. Speaking of rest We get so caught up in all the responsibilities that we have that we don’t take time for self-care. In all your scheduling and running around don’t forget to make time for something that makes you happy and rest! Hang out with friends, hang out by yourself, ride your bike, take yourself to a movie…do something that doesn’t feel like a to-do reminder. And most of all DON’T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT! 3. The word “yes” Just remember you can’t say yes to everything or everyone! 4. Priorities, get some Everyday I have a towering list of to-do’s that need to be done. I love lists but sometimes seeing things carry over So last week in the post St. Maarten, I talked a good game about resting while I was out of town and really taking some time to get in tune with myself and God. I won’t say I failed completely. It was more like barely passing. I am ridiculously exhausted and didn’t get a chance to really rest like I wanted to however the experience is one that I am forever grateful for. Shout out to my cuzin for hooking that up for me. =) One of the days I was there my body became unhappy with me and ruined my plans for the day. It was for the best because I was able to sneak in a spa day and hours near the water. In spite of being eaten alive by the sand fleas or mosquitoes, whichever ones were bold enough to invade my space without permission, I did recognize one huge lesson that God has been trying to get me to live by this whole year. Stay present! As I sat back in a lounge chair I cried out something similar to: “Lord I want to live a life like this. Will I be able to do this in the future? Will you let me have this in the future? I want to travel for ministry and for rest, is this something you have destined for me?” I’ll share pieces of how he answered me & hushed my noise: “You’ll always find yourself wanting more in the midst of a blessing when you have not learned to experience gratitude in your present. You’re missing that you are already living the life you are destined to live. You already have what you asked for. It doesn’t matter if you’ll have it later you’re in it now. Rest in your present…” I think that is enough to encompass the gist of how he spoke to my spirit that day. I’d like to keep the rest private for now =) It was a wake up call for me. I am either so obsessed about what is going to happen tomorrow or what has happened in the past, I am rarely able to experience and appreciate my right here, right now. I don’t know how many of you have to fight this same thing but I encourage you from this day forward to practice living in your now. Yes, knowing where you came from and where you’re going is important but let us not neglect this moment. Work in Progress Happy Sunday everyone! I write to you from the beautiful island of St. Maarten situated in the Caribbean. I’m sitting on our patio that overlooks one of the zillion pools at the resort and the marina. I can’t complain. I won’t complain =) All last week I talked about finishing this year out strong and different ways to accomplish that task. (I hope you were able to read them) If there is one thing that I noticed from the plane rideS over here and just being in a place where no one expects anything of me but to chill out, enjoy myself, and spend money it’s that…I need rest. I feel like I’m about to break down lol. I guess I already knew this from the recent body shut downs, emergency room visits, restless nights, and not so stable emotions lol. If I want to finish this year out strong I think the main thing I need to do this week is rest. Same for you! You’ve been running around all year doing, doing, doing, and not taking enough time for yourself. Not taking enough time to see what you’re body and spirit are trying to tell you. You may not have a chance to travel to St. Maarten or even to another zip code, but you have got to make time to chill out and reflect on what it is that you need so that you can better serve whomever you serve. I wrote a daily devotion in the beginning of October entitled “I mentioned rest”…I feel led to share that with you again on this day: What is rest? According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary it is to cease work or movement in order to relax or recover strength; place or be placed so as to stay in a specified position; be based on; depend on. I want to use these three definitions to encourage you today! 1) Cease work or movement in order to relax or recover strength So many of you are pouring out in abundance probably to the point you don’t realize how much. You probably won’t realize until you attempt to pour out and there is nothing left to give. When we run out of steam, run out of gas we are no good to anyone. When we see the gaslight come on in our cars we know it’s time to refuel! We have to figure out what those gaslights are in our own lives! My hope is that you won’t need a reminder light but that you will take time to refuel at least weekly so that you’re body doesn’t completely put you out of commission. Sometimes you have to cease work and movement to recover your strength. 2. Place or be placed so as to stay in a specified position Lie down and chill out for a while. No computer, no phone, no lines of communication in hand. Just lie for a second. You don’t have to do it all day or even for an hour, just take a moment and be. We often feel guilty for lying down and resting our physical bodies. My thing is, if you are maximizing your time throughout the day and not wasting it with unproductive things then there is no reason to feel guilty. If you are accomplishing your goals throughout the day then you can look at moments of rest as a productive part of your day as well. 3. Be based on; depend on I hope you know where this one is going! We have to lean and depend on God. As we do he will continue to guide us to the activities he wants us to participate in, people he wants us to help, and jobs we need to take on. Lean on him for understanding and let him guide you to everything. I believe that when we do that we will find our hearts, minds, and bodies more at rest than ever before! [end of quoting myself lol] As far as this week goes: I plan to explore the island and surrounding islands and be a real life tourist! But I also plan to chill and get in tune with myself and my God. I know that it will put me in a way better position to serve YOU my readers and the others that I work with on a weekly basis. Will there be daily devotions this week? I don’t know. If I feel led and there is internet access I sure will give them to you! I’m quite sure I’ll have an easier time posting on facebook and instagram so don’t forget to follow on there! Instagram: @TruthThruTruth Regardless, we should be back to our regularly scheduled program starting next Sunday. But…I’ll let God lead on that one ;) Let’s rest guys! Hey, it’s Thanksgiving week! Why not talk about turkeys? So a couple weeks ago I went to see the cartoon movie Free Birds. You know the one about the Turkeys who go back in time so they no longer have to be the main course? Please don’t judge me, I had to make some free time to take myself out. I just needed some time to chill with me where work couldn’t find me. Stress was looming overhead and I couldn’t allow it to settle down in my spirit. If I had to be honest, this was not the best movie I’ve ever seen in my life BUT there were some good little points in there for the kiddos! And for you too, that’s why I’m writing on it this week. Today’s post doesn’t really have anything to do with the movie, but I promise Monday-Friday will lol. Before I get to listing off the daily devotions of the week I just wanted to encourage you to do something important this week! Take time to free yourself from the demands of the world and take some time for you. If you never have free time for yourself, you are doing something wrong and it is necessary that you How many of you are working non-stop? When I say work, I’m talking far beyond the 9-5 job. I’m saying work all day then, running the kids around to their practices, rehearsals, and other extracurricular activities, taking care of home duties, making it out to the business meeting for another project, running to a ministry meeting or rehearsal, calling back all the people who have called you over the week, being present for whoever you need to be present for, how could I forget leaving time for fun…the list goes on. I could say, “woah there buddy you’re doing too much”. But truth is, this is the life that many of us lead—constant movement with no room for rest. Every time I mention wanting to sleep there is someone there to say, “nah sleep when you’re dead”. See me??? [insert crazy look here] I don’t believe in that lol. Not one bit. When I die I’ma be praising, and trying to get a tetherball game in with Jesus and busy doing whatever else it is we’ll be doing in heaven. I won’t need to sleep then! I need to sleep now! I need rest now!
According to Dr. Michael Breus, there are several consequences of sleep deprivation. I came across his article on WebMD that stated the short and long term effects: |
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April 2016