For most, times of transition can be difficult and take some getting used to whether the transition is big or small something planned or unplanned. I’m still trying to transition from holiday vacation back to entrepreneurial, student, volunteer, ministry, and family life. They all kind of took a break and started back up at the same time. It’s been a bit overwhelming but these are some things I have been telling myself to reduce my anxiety levels. They also promote balance and prevent me from going off on people due to stress =] I hope they can help you if you start feeling overwhelmed. 1. Don’t disrespect your time It’s one thing to take breaks and to carve out time for rest. It’s something completely different when you mean to send a quick text and end up scrolling on social networks for an hour! 2. Speaking of rest We get so caught up in all the responsibilities that we have that we don’t take time for self-care. In all your scheduling and running around don’t forget to make time for something that makes you happy and rest! Hang out with friends, hang out by yourself, ride your bike, take yourself to a movie…do something that doesn’t feel like a to-do reminder. And most of all DON’T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT! 3. The word “yes” Just remember you can’t say yes to everything or everyone! 4. Priorities, get some Everyday I have a towering list of to-do’s that need to be done. I love lists but sometimes seeing things carry over day after day irritates me to the core. But if I pull out my priorities early in the morning and complete those, 9 times out of 10 I actually feel productive and don’t mind the minor things that didn’t get done being pushed to the next day. 5. Another thing on priorities Remember you don’t have to make other people’s priorities your own 6. You can only get done what you can get done If you put your all into what you’re doing and use time wisely you’ll get everything you need to get done, done. And if there is still one priority on your list that has fallen behind then it’s okay, do it tomorrow. 7. Don’t beat yourself up If something didn’t get done, you can’t make it to an event, etc. don’t beat yourself up! It happens like that sometimes. If it’s because you spent too much time being unproductive, ok do better tomorrow. If it’s because you are too busy being productive then good, what needed to be tended to was tended to. Priorities, priorities, priorities! 8. Take a deep breath Take some time and recognize the simple things *deep breath* lookey there you can breathe. Silence yourself for a minute and allow your spirit to speak out and for God to speak to you. It helps. 9. Did you ask God? One of the most important things! Sometimes we have things on our schedule that God doesn’t want there. We have to make sure that we pray every time we take a new project on. At times I feel overwhelmed but if I know that God called me to something that he will help me to gain the balance I need to juggle that and everything else. We got to let the other things go. Even if we love to do them! Hope this helps! If it does, share it with someone else you feel needs these reminders! |
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April 2016