A few weeks ago I was playing around and allowed for a couple of words to come out of my mouth that were…let’s just say inappropriate. Now what I said wasn’t too much of a shocker to many in the room but surprised the mess out of one particular person. As soon as I said it all I could think was, “Lord please forgive me!” Matter of fact before I said it I knew I should have shut my mouth. Even though I had time to stop myself, I didn’t. THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES. I knew I shouldn’t have said it but I said it anyways! If you are feeling convicted or that you should not do something or say something then please listen! That’s the Holy Spirit saying “hold up homie, think about this first!” We never know what will negatively affect someone else’s walk with God! Although it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever said in my life it was something that could have gone without repeating. Days later this person was still telling people, “I can’t believe she said that!” Even though this was not that big of a deal to some, it was something that could throw this person off in their budding walk with God and could prevent them from receiving from me in the future. What if 6 months down the line I have to counsel them on watching what comes out their mouth? My credibility just might be shot and now all they can think about is how hypocritical Christians are. (Now of course there are many positive ways to correct this if it did happen but that’s not the point! We wouldn’t have to put these strategies to use if we do what we’re supposed to do initially) None of us are perfect. Many of us say and do things we shouldn’t and while we are all human at some point accountability must come into play, especially when conviction hits. If I am doing something to cause someone to look at God in a negative light or causing them to become confused about God’s expectations I am out of line and out of the will of God. If you have doubt in your mind about you engaging in a certain behavior listen to it because if you don’t, you’re sinning off top. Don’t believe me…let me show you what God showed me: Romans 14:22-23 NLT You may believe there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. 23 but if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. This scripture can hit so many different angles! Whatever it brought up for you…follow your convictions in that area! ;) It’ll be worth it! Have a blessed rest of your week! I’ll throw in this one as well: Proverbs 13:3 Message Version Careful words make for a careful life; careless talk may ruin everything.
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April 2016