I have a challenge for you but let me introduce it first! What are our personal reasons behind our faith in God? Over the last few months I’ve spent some time thinking about why I came to Christ and whether I’ve fully accepted all parts of the gospel: That Christ walked this earth sinless as God wrapped in flesh, died on a cross for my sins, resurrected on the 3rd day and is now sitting on the right hand of the father where he intercedes on my behalf, and that he is going to return one day for his church. Scripture references: John 1:14; Colossians 2:9 (NIV); 1 Peter 2:22, 24; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Mark 16:19; Romans 8:34(b); 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 I realized that while I have accepted the fullness of the gospel there are some aspects I give more attention to than others. For instance, I will refer to what the cross means to me: tearing of the veil, salvation, forgiveness, freedom, grace and mercy yet rarely discuss Christ’s return or even ask too many questions about it. I think death and the afterlife is an aspect we all unconsciously, or maybe even consciously, ignore often because it seems so distant, mystical, and fantastical. I noticed we don’t really talk about it besides a quick holla at the end of a sermon yet it is the basis of our faith. I can’t help but to think if I put more attention on the entirety of the gospel that I would live in a different way. For example not wasting so many days being consumed in what is going on in this life that I am not thinking about spending peaceful eternity with God. Again, this has been on my mind for the last few months however after starting yet another round of Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren (which I actually plan to complete this time thanks to a friend who invited me into a small group) it has come to the forefront of my mind in an even greater way. What am I living for? This has caused me to revisit the questions and really think, wait why am I saved, why do I believe, and if I do believe why do I become so distracted by things going on and cause my purpose to be hindered? Besides the fact that I am human, as a child of God my hope should be secured because I am in fact a child of God and co-heir, as well as one who has a place reserved for me in eternity. I believe it is important for everyone to remind ourselves why we became saved and how those reasons have remained the same or changed over the course of time. Almost like revisiting goals that we set for ourselves. Are we holding up to our end of the bargain etc. I asked myself some questions and want to ask any one who reads this post the same ones. So here is the challenge!For 6 weeks I want to look at these questions and bounce our thoughts about them off of each other. Utilizing a forum as a sort of e-group for support and encouragement regarding recognizing or reminding ourselves what the purpose behind our faith is. So here’s what needs to happen:
to cause us to look at our relationship with God and what that means for us in the long run. I want us to know the purpose behind our faith.
Don’t forget to check out the daily devotion section Monday-Saturday! Don’t worry if you are seeing this blog a couple of weeks out, join in on the topic anyways you are still welcome! |
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April 2016