One thing I appreciate about being a child of God is that if we allow for it, there’s always growth, movement, and positive change. Once we think we’ve hit a certain level of awesomeness or even a brick wall, He opens another door and shows us brand new opportunities, visions, and dreams that are greater than we could ever imagine. It’s only a matter of walking into the new, which is often unknown and frankly, scary. In the last two years my world has been flipped upside down with constant change. Some were easy to handle while others, eh not so much. As a creature of habit and one who does not always work well with drastic transitions it has been a serious adjustment. Walking by faith is no joke. One thing I remember in vivid detail is praying for God to use me, take me to new levels, new places, and a new understanding of Him and my purpose. I definitely wasn’t ready to receive what I was praying for at the time because as soon as He shifted the gears of change, I resisted, complained, and disobeyed. A week or two later I’d find myself praying the same prayer and frustrated God wasn’t answering me. I didn’t think that change should be inconvenient and about 98% of the things that were happening around me were just that—INCONVENIENT! When I began to suffer in my physical body it caused me to embrace newness in a more desperate manner. Happiness, stress free, and productive living by any means necessary became my new motto. (I like it better than Drake’s to be honest) Anyways, once I was able to embrace ALL the possibilities the moments of discomfort could bring my trust and confidence in His promises increased. The best part about it is I’m experiencing a new kind of joy, peace, strength, and faith that is not tied to my possessions or the people around me. At least not like it was. I still have some work to do in this area. As I step into yet another new season I’m striving to appreciate every aspect. The tears, the joy, the blessings, and the things I’d rather flush down the toilet! My hope for myself and for you is that as God answers our prayers and begins to shift our lives into a new gear we don’t strip them and stall out, slowing up the process. It’s easy to flow with the good changes, a higher paying job, entering a mutually beneficial relationship or partnership, or getting the opportunity of a lifetime. But if you have hit a space where the change is like ugh…you’re going to have to work hard to embrace it, but the rewards will be well worth it. He promises! There is no better time than now to allow God to take you higher in Him. You are already awesome but there is untapped potential in you that’s so ready to burst through the seams of fear, disobedience, distrust, pride, and excuses that you have so conveniently, and more than likely unconsciously, draped yourself in. You might…no, you WILL have to walk away from some nouns (people, places, and/or things); You WILL have to sacrifice; You WILL be uncomfortable at times; and most importantly you WILL have to trust Him, especially when things don’t make sense. BUT you WILL ALSO find yourself in a new place of peace and comfort in God’s ability, new authority, and a place where prosperity in all realms overflows physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You want to be better, allow God to make it happen! He is making all things new! Will you let Him? Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2Corinthians 5:17) Don’t forget to check back daily as we keep the discussion going on newness, change, & transitions in the Daily Devotions!
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April 2016