The high bun. Is it for style or for convenience? In my case, total convenience. In this style, my hair can be done in two minutes or less and for me this is necessary! Although it can be fun to take your time and get all dolled up, I don’t have time to be in the bathroom all morning getting dressed. [hard to believe with all these selfies huh?] Unfortunately for me, this “I don’t have time to comb my hair” mess lasted 3 weeks and 3 dreads too long. O_o So you know I pulled something out of this experience right? Let me gon’ head and share it with you =) Looking real good…on the outside anyways After about a week of just brushing the edges of my hair up I knew good and well it was time to comb it out. But because I felt there were other matters that deserved more of my attention I didn’t make the time. I figured as long as I could slick it up and play it off I’d be cool. And I was right! The compliments let me know them slicked edges were deceiving and working just how I needed them to! A perfect disguise. Sounds a lot like our lives. We are so caught up in our busy schedules or even in just trying to front like everything is okay on the outside, that we don’t take care of what is going on within. (Inside our bodies, homes, churches, workplaces, relationships, etc) Outside people see well put together, sweet, kind, loving, financially stable, solid relationships… in other words a slicked up high bun. But on the insides we’re all tangled, matted, knotted, dreaded, unconditioned and unkept because we have not dealt with the new growth and tangling that is going on within us. If we get enough people who CAN’T see past our façade telling us that we look amazing and we are doing awesome we begin to believe it and don’t think that dealing with the truth and all of its tangles is necessary…this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Think about my hair struggle…Every positive comment I got gave me a false confidence to allow one more day to slip by without dealing with the mess underneath. For every day that slipped by, my hair became more and more matted. This happened until I was no longer able to slick my hair down smoothly. All the mess was starting to come to the top and it forced me to deal with it when I wasn’t prepared or physically ready. This same thing happens with our hidden issues of the heart, mind, and spirit. They’re going to pour out at some point whether you like it or not. It’s like the balloon with too much air. When it reaches its final pressure point it’s gonna pop and it won’t care who is around to witness it. I don’t want that for your life! So this week, that’s what we are talking about! Dealing with the mess under the bun! I hope the words I write can help you deal with whatever has had time to tangle up within your heart, life, mind or whatever else. Stick with me the next 6days! I promise, if you desire, you’ll get something out of it! But first! Today’s goal: What issue came to your mind while reading this? Maybe it was more than one thing. Write that down. If you aren’t ready for the commitment of pen to pad then take a mental note…That’s it, we’ll deal with the rest tomorrow. This week the daily devotions are going to focus on dealing with the mess under the bun…same story…six different points. Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect: Monday: I can’t tell my beautician, I’m too ashamed Tuesday: Extending the detangling process Wednesday: Time to comb it out get the Just For Me detangler Thursday: Shampoo, condition, relief Friday: Steady process, don’t stop now Saturday: Life is not hair, let’s be real! See you tomorrow! |
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April 2016