This is a 3 part series: Part 1: There’s a war against the mirror. I’m my own worst enemy! Part 2: I’m a hazard to myself Part 3: I wanna be somebody else I wanna be somebody else “It’s bad when you annoy yourself, so irritating, don’t wanna be my friend no more, I wanna be somebody else” Watch your mouth, watch the company you keep and: Dare to be you! I will admit to losing myself as I mirrored others in some form or fashion throughout life, many times without recognizing it. I would begin to imitate what was around me, especially if it was appealing. It often lead to greater feelings of insecurity and failure, not only in that arena but even trying to step back into my own shoes. Rejecting ourselves and attempting to take on the role of someone else only delays our ability to walk in productive greatness. If we are going to imitate, imitate our creator or the faith of those who have trusted God wholeheartedly, but not their entire being or ways. (Hebrews 6:12) A sad truth is that our society purposefully produces clones, so we have to consciously fight the urge to conform. We were all born with a stamp of approval, an anointing, with certain attributes and gifts that have the potential to be cultivated along our journey. Fact check? Ok…“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:5. When we begin to work so diligently to cultivate other’s gifts within ourselves things may work for a while but wont last long. Not because we suck but because it wasn’t the purpose destined for us. You are made in the image of an awesome God, by a perfect God, for his perfect use (Genesis 1:27). We may not always act perfectly but we are crafted by perfection. Attempting to alter a work of art and pass it off as the artist’s original piece is called counterfeiting. It may sell but it’s worth nothing and once it’s exposed it’s publicly deemed worthless and thrown out. Don’t let this be you! It’s ok to work with the original packaging. God will add the enhancements needed when it’s time. Romans 12:4 “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function” What happens when we take on the persona of someone else? We won’t function properly! The above verse and 1Corinthians 12: 12-20 teach about many members making up one body. What good would we be with 40 eyes and no mouth to share what we’ve seen?! We have to be who we were created to be so we can complete the package. Dare to be different by being yourself! You don’t have to be a hazard or roadblock to you or allow anyone else’s words or actions to be one. You don’t have to desire to be someone else. You don’t have to irritate and annoy yourself. You can love you how you are knowing there are vast opportunities for healthy improvements. Just remember to watch your mouth, watch the company you keep, and dare to be you! I hope the next time you listen to a song like this you no longer relate or can’t relate at all! Check out the daily devotions for this week to culminate this series!
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April 2016